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Week 4

This week we have recapped addition and subtraction to 10 and 20 in maths.  Children were challenged to use familiar methods - counting on and back using objects, tens frames and number lines.  We have been practising carefully reading the symbols +, -, = and solving number sentences. We will continue with addition and subtraction next week with a particular focus on number bonds to 10 and 20 using methods in problem solving and reasoning.  For further challenge, children will have the opportunity to recap fact families and compare number sentences.  The children enjoy the games for practising number bonds here: 

I recommend up to 10 and then when they are secure up to 20.


In Literacy, we have been reading stories about monsters and designed and created our very own!  We also planned and wrote instructions to tell others how to create our own.


In PE, we have been practising having quick reactions when bouncing and catching a ball with a friend and from a dropped height.


We had fun outside in History, being history detectives and finding out about HIgh Wycombe in the past by looking at old photographs and considering where we thought the photo was taken.  We discussed how parts of the town have changed.  Did you know that before our school building was built the Church of England school was in White Hart Street and there was a Roman villa on the Rye where the swimming pool used to be?  


In RE, we considered how we would give Jesus a special welcome and created some palm leaves.


In Art, we looked at the work of Paul Klee and used paint really carefully to create tints.

Comic Relief
