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Week 4

At the beginning of the week, the class had the opportunity to learn some skipping tricks with Ben from Dan the skipping man. The children had great fun and hopefully we will see them continue developing their skipping skills in the playground.


This week in maths the class have been developing their subject knowledge of fractions, particularly understanding tenths and converting them to decimals. In literacy, the children have been learning about Calligrams (shape poems), particularly looking at the language features of onomatopoeia and use of adjectives.


In history, the children continue to learn about the Stone Age and they are looking forward to passing on all their knowledge to the rest of the school in our class assembly in two weeks time.


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Akehurst 

In Art, we have been working hard to improve our observational drawing when sketching portraits. One of the ways we have done this is by sketching the other half of a celebrity's face. We had to look really carefully to try and get the detail correct. We feel we have made really good progress with our drawing and mastery of sketching pencils.
