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Week 4

In Literacy, we have been finishing looking at 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. We concluded the topic by looking at our legacy on Earth. The children made posters about endangered animals and wrote notes to Earth about positive changes they could make. In Maths, we have focused on counting one more and one less.


In PE, we have continued to practise out footwork in football. The children also had the opportunity to have a session with Dan the Skipping Man, and had great fun learning some new skipping games. In Computing, the children were creating their own mazes for the bee bots to navigate. We have also had great fun this week watercolour painting. The children have painted some Kenyan animals, as well as learning about how Paul Klee creates watercolour washes and patterns.


We have also started to practise our Harvest performance ready for next week!

PE- Football Footwork

Computing- Bee Bot Mazes

Art- Watercolour Painting
