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Week 4

In Literacy, we have been finishing our topic on 'Dogger' by writing and illustrating our own lost toy stories. They were really well planned and enjoyable to read. In Maths, we have been moving towards the end of addition before starting subtraction next week.


A main event of this week was Science day. With the aim of working scientifically, the children took part in the Elephant's toothpaste experiment- where they made predictions, observations and conclusions. We also had a great time revamping the bug hotel in the forest school area ready for some new inhabitants! The latter part of the day focused on an eco project. Our theme was biodiversity- thinking about how to encourage different types of wildlife into the school grounds. The children made two types of birdfeeders- fat balls and apple slice strings, which were hung in the trees on the top tier of the school.

Science Day- Elephant's Toothpaste Experiment

Science Day- Bug Hotel

Eco Project- Bird Feeders
