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Week 4

In Maths, We have been recapping and deepening our understanding of subtraction, using a variety of calculation methods. The children have been working with concrete resources to help strengthen their understanding. In Literacy, we brought our unit on traditional tales, specifically 'The Three Little Pigs', to a close. The children wrote their own fairy tales based on the key fairy tale features we have looked at in the last few weeks.


In PE, we have continued with our WWFC football lessons, as well as indoor PE focusing on multi skills using different equipment. In Computing, we are designing e-books based on traditional tales. This week, the children practised painting using computer programs. Year 1 conducted experiments in Science this week, testing which materials were waterproof. They then designed umbrellas and explained which materials they used and why. In Geography, the children learnt about Summer, and the activities we enjoy in this season.

Science- Testing waterproof materials

Maths- Subtraction
