This week has been Christmas play-tastic! The children have worked really hard and I have to say I am immensely proud of them for their efforts in learning lines and dance moves and singing with total gusto. We certainly have some confident stage performers in our midst!
In Literacy, we continued to look at letter writing through the story of 'The Jolly Postman'. We also used some of these features when writing a message to the staff at Wycombe Hospital. Some of the children's messages were really thoughtful and delightful to read, I am sure the staff will enjoy receiving these.
In maths, we have been continuing to develop our understanding of the vocabulary for length and height. We measured length in centimetres and completed some problem solving on this topic.
Our 'Creative Christmas' afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed and the children are looking forward to bringing them home. We would like to thank the parents that gave up their time to help with this also - we couldn't have done it without you!.