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Week 5

This week we have been exploring the classic story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'.  Children talked and wrote about their own experiences of when they have had a guest for tea/dinner/a party - not a tiger in sight!  They also wrote some smashing invitations for a party that they would like to have.


In maths, we have started our sequence of learning about addition.  The children were introduced to part whole models and created some with ourselves as well as a range of other classroom equipment.  They are beginning to understand the concept of parts being added together to make a whole (total).  We challenged ourselves to some problem solving around this such as 'Zac and Zara have 8 conkers in total - if Zak has 3 of them, how many does Zara have?'  Although we are only working with numbers to ten at the moment, maths presented in this word problem format forms a large part of the maths curriculum and we were ALL very challenged with it!


In art this week, we explored the line drawings of Henri Matisse and used our Paul Klee inspired watercolour work from last week as a background for our line drawings.


It was delightful to see the books that the children enjoy at home during book talk on Thursday.  We create a book blanket and some children read parts of their book aloud.


In our topic work, we read Buddy the Bee's diary around the USA and worked really hard at retrieving facts from it to answer some questions.


Following our drawing of 'The Flight of the Bumblebee' by Rimsky Korsakov last week whilst listening to this piece of music, we created a composition to accompany it using different percussion instruments. We filmed it, watched it back and decided we could improve it next week with better dynamics.







Book talk
