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Week 5

This week the children have continued to work on fractions in maths, including finding fractions of amounts. In English, they wrote Calligrams about Mr Twits beard or Mrs Twits glass eye focusing on use of adjectives and similes. 


Mr Burgin has been exploring with the children which materials are magnetic in science and in RE they have been continuing to explore how Hindus celebrate Diwali.


During some assemblies this week, the Year 3s have had the opportunity to explore our Christian Value of the month: Forgiveness.


We hope you enjoyed watching the Harvest Festival on the video section of our website. Next week the children are going to be encouraging the school community to support their Citizen project: One Can Trust by collecting items outlined in this weeks news letter. They completed the week by creating a video, which can be seen on our social media sites and the video section of our website.


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Akehurst 

PE: working on our social skills and thinking about the ways that we can jump!

Our superstars this week
