This week the children have been really challenging themselves in maths to find quarters of a shape and amounts and to remember that one quarter means 1 part of 4 equal parts. I was super impressed by their growth mindset in these lessons. Lots of great opportunity to leap into the pit and not give up!
In Literacy, following all of our preparation - planning, writing the opening, middle and end, we wrote our final drafts of our stories, inspired by Tom’s adventure in ‘The Night Pirates’ some children took their Main character to an island to find treasure like Tom did but some children substituted some of the settings and characters for completely different ones! I was very impressed by the children’s engagement with the narrative unit. You really could hear a pin drop in the classroom when they are in full writing flow which shows how much Year Two love story writing! I am very proud of them all.
We continued with exploring paint in art. The children really enjoyed finding out how to create a wash with adding water to the paint. They also experimented with changing paint from dark to light. Don’t forget to send in an apron for your child if you have yet to.
We shared the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ in RE and thought about how Jesus showed kindness to so many people. Some children recalled the story in writing and some through drama.
In Real PE we continued with our journey around the blue planet and particularly enjoyed warm up games, following our leader and exploring different jumps.
Our school council reps held their first meeting with the class. We discussed charities we would like to fund raise for and children shared their requests for making their playground better. I’m not sure the funding will stretch to a swimming pool and a huge field but you’ve got to have a dream!!!