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Week 5

This week we have been continuing our learning about instructions in Literacy. The children were the teachers at the beginning of the week, giving me instructions for how to make a jam sandwich. They realised how clear the steps needed to be! We read a Roald Dahl inspired revolting recipe and they have planned and written their own instructions inspired by Julia Donaldson stories. 


In maths the children have tackled division wholeheartedly and understand that division involves sharing into equal groups. They have been writing division sentences and are beginning to understand the links between multiplication and division eg if 10 shared between two groups gives five in each group then the inverse is that two lots of five makes 10! 


In netball we started refining our throwing towards a target. In RE we learnt about the Passover meal and created our own Seder plate, thinking about what foods are special to us and why.  In PSHE we explored what we could do if someone is feeling left out and in Geography we have continued creating our guide books, this week entering finding out about China 🇨🇳. 






Literacy - instructions

Maths - division
