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Week 6

This week we have been moving onto looking at Shapes in Maths. We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes, and how we can make patterns with them. In Literacy we have been continuing with 'The Jolly Postman', focusing on writing addresses and Christmas card messages. Our Literacy work is linked with our Vision Project- making Christmas cards for children at Wycombe Hospital- which the children have thoroughly enjoyed working on this week.


In PE, Robins took part in their class competition focusing on throwing and catching skills. In DT, we have been designing our moving picture cards and will be making these next week. In History, we have finished our topic on toys from the past by looking at how toys have changed over time and why. 


The Christmas lunch was this week and all the children enjoyed pulling the crackers and wearing the paper hats!

Vision Project- Christmas Cards

Christmas Lunch

PE- Class Competition
