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Week 6

We had a busy last week of this first half term. 


In Literacy we planned and wrote our diaries in stages. We ALL did a brilliant job at remembering to write in first person and past tense by the end. Amazing work, Year Two!


In maths we were learning to recognise the value of coins and solve problems using coins. The children enjoyed this and told me they are looking forward to putting their learning into action - spending money at the shops! 


In art we made some beautiful Christmas cards; we hope you like them and order them. 


In RE we welcomed Mrs Burrows into the classroom to talk to us about her job. We had lots of questions to ask and enjoyed hearing how she shows kindness in her job as a therapist. What a super way to end our theme of ‘kindness’. Thanks again to Mrs Burrows for visiting us. 


PE = class competition. They did so well with the multiskills and showed just how supportive they were of one another in their teams. You are all sports 🌟🌟🌟


We concluded our topic on continents and oceans in Geography by identifying landmark features on aerial photos. 


What a fabulous first half term! 




PE multiskills competition

PSHE: special people posters

Class collective worship: I wonder what it is like to follow God?

