This week we have been knee-deep in glue, glitter, feathers and Pom- poms! It's been worth it though because the masks look fantastic. Some don't quite match the designs but never mind!
Have a look at how the masks took shape...
Our VOL (voice of the learner) activity was to think of what makes a happy school. The children put their thoughts onto a jigsaw piece and we put the jigsaw together. Some of the suggestions included 'having good friends', 'nice classrooms', 'interesting work' and 'funny teachers!'
We also worked with reception on our citizenship project with Shelburne Lodge. The children were mixed and worked together to make cards and some yummy dipped strawberries and cakes. Have a look at the photos on the citizenship page.
Finally, we decided to have a practical session and mummified JJ , he looked far too happy being bandaged and squirmed so much his 'wrappings' kept breaking!