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Week 7

After our final full week, I think the children are well and truly ready for their half term break!


During the week, the children worked really hard at developing their collaborative skills across a range of tasks.


In maths, we have been investigating shapes. The children have taken part in a carousel of activities during the week which has given them the opportunity to name and describe 3d shapes. There has been some super reasoning going on when considering questions such as "Would a sphere be a good shape to use in your model?.... Why not?"


In Literacy and Computing, we have looked at commands. The children took part in directing their friends through the school and across obstacle courses. They considered 'bossy verbs' and collaborated to write a sequence of commands for a character/beebot to follow to get to their treasure on a map. 


We sorted old and new toys  in history and focused on vocabulary linked to the passing of time.


We completed our class competition in cricket. Congratulations to everyone for their team spirit and well done skaters for winning! 


Wishing you and your family a wonderful half term holiday. 


Maths - shape


PE cricket competition

Reading joy
