We have been busy finishing our play scripts topic in Literacy. We focused on applying the features and making our scripts really clear for the reader. The children wrote scripts based on their own ideas of a tricky pair based on The Twits.
In Maths lessons we were working on measuring length. We had some practical lessons where we measured items with rulers, tape measures and meter sticks. We also looked at comparing the lengths of items and solving word problems by adding and subtracting.
In other areas we have been busy finishing up some subject topics; we completed our class competition in Basketball - the children were all great and really supportive of others. We also finished our forces topic in Science and had a visit from Mrs Lyons to launch our new topic about rocks - we had great fun looking at different rocks and sharing with each other what we already knew about the topic. The end of the topic in art also so we attempted to sketch portraits and then looked at how we had improved since our first lesson - excellent development! We also wrote non-chronological reports about our own prehistoric beasts, planned weather forecasts for different countries and designed delicious Stone Age menus.
Have a great half term everyone! See you after the break.