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Whole School Blessing

Whole School Blessing - 17th January 2023

In order to celebrate the start of the New Year and ensure that we are all happy and healthy throughout 2023, Reverend Gareth Morley from All Saints Church, came to perform a whole school blessing. Christians believe that a blessing at the start of something new, such as a New Year, will help them in having a positive new beginning. Along with some parents and carers, Gareth toured the school and blessed all the staff, children and rooms. Each class wrote prayers to share before they were blessed. Gareth also wrote a message on the doorway of each room to remind us of the arrival of the Three Wise Men (Casper, Melchior and Balthasar) at the birth of Jesus. The message was 20 + CMB + 23, and as well as reminding us of the Three Wise Men, it also stands for the Latin phrase 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat' which means 'May Christ Bless This House'. The school then gathered in the hall so that Gareth could perform his final blessing on us all and we could all pray together. 
