We have had a successful first week on timetable and new topics are starting to take off now as we begin our learning across all subjects. In maths, the children have worked at understanding place value in numbers up to 6 and 7 digits and have used place value charts to help them compare a sequence of numbers. They have learnt the difference between 'ascending' and 'descending' number order and have used < and > to show comparisons. The children have also practised rounding numbers to powers of 10 which will help when estimating answers in complex calculations.
In Science, we have begun our topic of 'Living Things and Their Habitats' which focuses first on the life cycle of a plant. We went out into the school nature areas and the children were very good at finding evidence of plant reproduction, such as seed pods and berries.
In Games, the children have practised their dribbling skills for Basketball and have learnt the importance of controlling the ball to avoid losing it to an opponent. The children also played La Crosse with Mr Burgin in PE.
In Computing, the children have begun developing their own computer games. We explored the elements of a successful game, including a theme, characters and a clear goal, and the children then worked in pairs to build their own ideas for a game. They used Microsoft Paint to experiment with different styles and appearances for their game characters and settings.