Home Page


Suggested Timetable for Home Learning

Look here for some optional tasks to complete as homework over the Easter Holidays

Year 5 Reading List!

Welcome to Year 5 Eagles!


Class Teacher: Mrs de Leon

LSA: Mr Andrews

Music Teacher: Mrs Wells

French Teacher: Mrs Moulinier

PE Teacher: Mr Burgin


The class page will be updated on a weekly basis so please check to
see what we have been up to!

At the bottom you can also find useful pieces of information and links that
you might need. 


We will endeavour to update the class page regularly to provide you with a weekly insight into what we are doing.

Class assembly song

Here is the song the children will be singing during their class assembly next Friday 18th October. If possible, please help them to listen to the song and learn the words over the next week! Please note they won't be singing the whole song, see the lyrics below for where the song will end.

Class assembly song lyrics

Useful Websites