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Week 5

Another great session in Tag Rugby with Joanne! The children practised scoring tries, developing team work and positioning in the game space for effective play.
Tuesday was our first Energize rehearsal at the Town Hall. We met with other schools and did a full rehearsal all through the script and songs. It was exciting to get a feel for how the performance would run!
Science this week was all about forces in liquid!
In Computing, we looked at the work of the artist M C Escher and the tesselation art he was inspired by when he visited Spain. We used a computer tool to manipulate geometric shapes and create our own irregular patterns. We then imported them into Inkscape to develop them further.

In Art, we explored the detail used in John Constable’s painting “The Haywain”. After a watercolour tutorial, the children chose a John Constable painting to recreate using watercolour. The results were great!
