Our learning behaviour this week has been determination. Two class members started the week off for us by introducing it to the class and looking at an example of what this behaviour could mean.
Our focus in maths this week has been multiplication and division. We started the week looking at multiples and factors, before moving onto using more formal written methods of calculation, including grid method, short multiplication and short division.
In Games, the children continued to practise their dribbling and passing skills in basketball. This week we moved on to adding a competitive side to the game by including an attacking and defending element. This gave the children the opportunity to consider how to be a good team player.
The children have been practising their handwriting skills and working hard to joined every lowercase letter when they write. They should always be working to join their letters in any piece of writing they complete. The children are also learning that good posture and hand position is essential to form letters in a consistent, legible way.
In Science, the children were comparing life cycles of different animal classifications, such as mammals, amphibians, birds and insects. There were some obvious similarities such as birth and death, but there were obvious differences too, such as metamorphosis in insects and amphibians but not in the life cycle of a mammal.
In Computing, the children continued to develop their games by adding code to their characters and backgrounds. They then spent a short time playing each other’s games and giving each other verbal feedback to help them consider areas they could improve.