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Week 2

Here in Eagles, we are very happy to welcome a new pupil to our class. Devi joined the class on Monday and has settled very well into the routines each day.


In Geography this week, the children were gathering what they already knew and researching further about modern day Greece. The children used iPads to gather further information and wrote short facts to use as a plan for their factfiles. 

In Games, the children began by practising their dribbling skills learnt last week. Then they worked in pairs to practise different passes used in basketball, including the chest, bounce and shoulder pass. We then finished with a relay game to combine both ball control and the new passes they had learnt.
In Literacy, the children have been learning the Cyclops story from “Adventures of Odysseus”. After mapping the story using a story map, the children had a go being story-tellers and re-telling the story in an exciting way to their neighbour. 
In PE with Mr Burgin, the children were learning social games, using RealPE. It began with a fusion warm-up, developed in stages, before progressing into games such as River Crossing.
In Computing, the children continued with developing their online games using Scratch. They began by reminding themselves of the background and characters in their games and pairs, before exploring different images and settings on the computers. The children also considered adding sound effects to bring the game to life. 
A final triumph of the week came when Mrs Akehurst announced to the children during Golden Time that they had won the MathWhizz trophy for the week! It has pride of place in the classroom now and the children agreed to try hard and maintain this focus and effort with their homework next week too. 